I have a dream. I dream for a day when all children have the support and guidance they need to strive not just survive. A place where life skills training and trauma informed care, as well as exploring learning in real life classrooms, are the utmost importance in educational training.
I have a dream, HUGG in collaboration with programs such as the YMCA & The Boys & Girls Clubs, drop CONEX boxes in every neighborhood and develop them into hands on community centers. Equipped with outdoor play items, a technology area, & educated guidance available to all. Somewhere a kid can find a second home. A place that supports and connects both home and school. Where community members can meet, work and volunteer to support positive outlets for neighborhood youth everywhere. Where a child can have a chance at a good life regardless of the life they were born into. A place free from negativity. Where communications bring constructive outcomes with real life solutions. Where anyone in need can find direction to human services offered by other providers.
I have a dream, children in foster systems have the opportunity to grow into young adults in therapeutic foster homes. A forever home, which encourages individual growth, focus, and opportunity. As well as various individualized therapies, life skills trainings, and self discipline.
Studies show, when a child lacks basic supports they are likely to fall into destructive behaviors. The benefits of mentor-ships are undeniable and life saving programs such as Big Brother, Big Sister and many other organizations are a necessity. Our goal, is to partner with other companies and organizations so that no matter the current home life of any scholar, they always have a place where they are safe and able to work towards life goals. Youth of all ages will have a place where they can learn what is needed to have a fulfilling life that supports peaceful mind, body, and spiritual interactions with themselves and the world around them. Surrounded by a community of individuals invested in encouraging the positive efforts and outcomes of youth interactions in life. While addressing destructive behaviors and coaching good choices as well as learning from ones mistakes. Growing all scholar's understanding of their personal powers for positive social, educational, emotional, and behavioral changes.
Are you looking to learn more about HUGG and our community efforts and engagements? Please reach out to us via our community forum or direct messages. I am looking forward to working with you!
Eva Milagros
Founder/President @HUGG
#Youth #Foster #FosterHome #Community #CommunityCenter #Positive #IHaveADream #DreamBig #Collaborate #OneWorld #WorldOurChildrenInherit #HU4GG #Children #Support #Guidance #Scholars #Future #Support